Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Decisions, decisions

So, clearly I've been neglecting my posting for a while.  I have multiple excuses, but they mainly ocome down to the following:

1) My husband dropped our laptop and we have an (ever growing) crack across the middle of the screen.  Please refer to this reason as my excuse for any typos as well.

2) I'm still struggling to decide what the heck my blog is about.  I feel like my favorite blogs fall into categories and my thoughts don't fit any particular one.

So those excuses aside, I decided tonight to just bite the bullet and write.  The hell with the consequence classifications!

My title also applies to my decisions today to stop hemming and hawing about my fitness, specifically, when will I go for my next race?  My next BIG race.

So today, after reading a tweet from Adam, I realized the San Antonio Marathon I've been eyeing for a few months will be $15 off for National Running Day.

That does it, I thought.  I need to jump on board and get back into training.  So that's what I'm doing.  Tomorroe I will be registering for the Rock 'N Roll San Antonio Marathon and get in gear to train for it and make a better showing than my first marathon in last October.

If you're reading this, maybe you could do the same.  We've got 25 weeks (counting this week).  No day, but today, right?

P.S. To show you I'm actually going to come back here more than once every blue moon, I promise to recap my 10K from last month by the end of the week.  There.  I told you I will.  Now I will be accountavle!

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