Monday, March 22, 2010

Runnin' runnin' runnin'

Heyohhhhh!  What have I been up to lately??

Not much but runnin', runnin', runnin'.  I'm training for another marathon this fall.  I'd like for it to be sooner but I have a lot of miles to put in until I'm ready for 26.2 again.  Plus, living in the deep south, there aren't that many distance runs between early spring and late fall.  It will be like 99% humidity and 96 degrees here in no time (at least that's what I tell myself since it's supposedly spring but we're suffering through a cold front).

So the marathon I've tentatively picked in San Antonio in November.  I've never been there so we could make a vacation out of it kind of like we did with my San Francisco marathon last October.  I just hope I can produce better results than that one.  It was a dismal showing on my part.

On the career front, I talked to an admissions person at a local culinary school today. I know.  I'm all over the board on what-the-frick-to-do-with-my-life options.  I'm really intrigued by the idea of culinary school though.  It wouldn't take long (9-21 months depending on the program) and I wouldn't be stuck at a desk all day.  I mean, a lot of my favorite things revolve around food and I not just consuming it!  I will watch almost any cooking show.  I love to look at recipes and sites with beautiful pictures (ahem, Pioneer Woman)!

I guess the drawbacks would be 1) money.  I'll never make the kind of money being a chef that I would being an attorney unless I become a restauranteur (SCARY), but money can't buy happiness, right? 2) The hours can suck!  That's mainly if you're working in a kitchen at a restaurant, hotel, etc.  I realize there are other options like catering, which is more flexible albeit mostly on the weekends.

So who knows?  I just want to find my niche, be generally happy.  The things everyone else is looking for I guess.

"Welcome to the Church of the Holy Cabbage.  Lettuce Pray."  - Author Unknown

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